Soccer Balls

Chaos Aztec Soccer Ball Review

Chaos Soccer Gear Aztec Soccer Ball ReviewThe Aztec soccer ball made by Chaos Soccer Gear is exactly that: chaotic. Featuring 32 panels covered in unique art that tricks your eyes into looking every which way, the Aztec is 100% hand-stitched and has a dimple surface for less drag, more controllability, and coated protection. We put this $80 ball to the test to see how it holds up after heavy use on the pitch. Chaos Soccer Gear Aztec Soccer Ball Review

Tech Specs

The Aztec soccer ball looks like no other soccer ball we’ve seen before; visually, that is. We’ve seen a 32 panel design many times before, most notably on the Select Brilliant Super and Numero 10 soccer balls. However, no soccer ball has looked as remarkable, eye-catching, and unique as this one.

The Aztec’s 100% hand-stitched, 32 panel design makes the ball tight and strong, and its unique dimple surface offers reduce drag, more controllability, and an extra protective coating for an enhanced playing feel. Four layers of polyester measuring 1.5 mm thick ensures durability and a proper bounce. It has a butyl (synthetic rubber) bladder for a perfect combination of contact quality and air retention. Made to FIFA specifications by experts who are Business Social Compliance Initiative and Fair Trade certified, this soccer ball is perfect for outdoor grass and indoor/outdoor turf, and comes with a two year warranty for shape and size. The Chaos Aztec soccer ball is available to purchase here.Chaos Soccer Gear Aztec Soccer Ball Review

The Verdict

You can’t talk about this soccer ball without first discussing its visual design. Simply put, it’s all over the place; literally. Covered in a medley of symbols and drawings from the Aztec civilization, you don’t know which way to look when your eyes land on it. I’ve been testing this ball for a few weeks now and my eyes still look in every which direction when I glance at it. That being said, this unique design surely isn’t for everybody; if you’re a fan of eye-catching soccer balls, the Aztec from Chaos Soccer Gear is right up your alley. Before you drop $80 on a new soccer ball, though, it’s important to know whether or not it’s worth that price tag. Chaos Soccer Gear Aztec Soccer Ball ReviewUpon holding the Aztec in your hands for the first time, you immediately notice the level of craftsmanship and attention to detail that went into making this ball. You can see all 32 panels firmly sewn together and you can feel the dimple surface as you roll the ball around in your hands. As an added bonus, Chaos Soccer Gear throws in a free carry bag for convenient traveling. Without a doubt, the quality of this ball is definitely up to par, but how does it feel during play?Chaos Soccer Gear Aztec Soccer Ball ReviewThe first thing you notice when you start kicking it around is how solid it feels while juggling, striking, and passing. The Aztec really is a sweet ball to strike and, surprisingly, it feels quite similar to the top brand official match balls that cost upwards of $100. Like I mentioned earlier, the quality really is there. Unlike those top brand official match balls, though, this ball retains air quite well, and that’s a good thing. It’s inconvenient to keep having to pump air into the ball, a common characteristic of high end match balls; they leak air faster because of the materials used for the bladder. Thankfully, the Aztec provides the best of both worlds: match ball performance and great air retention.Chaos Soccer Gear Aztec Soccer Ball ReviewThe textured casing improves the aerodynamics of the ball and provides protection for the Aztec-inspired design, something I was initially skeptical about. When a soccer ball has an intricate design, it can usually rip, peel, or get ruined when the ball endures heavy use if there’s no casing or coating protecting it; on the Aztec, there’s an extra coating to protect the unique design so it doesn’t get ruined. Chaos Soccer Gear made sure to cover all bases in the creation of their latest innovation.Chaos Soccer Gear Aztec Soccer Ball ReviewAfter putting this ball through its paces, it’s clear to see where it stands in the market; costing $80, the Aztec is an affordable, high quality match ball that gives the top brand $100-$150 official match balls a run for their money. Should you get one? If you’re in the market for a quality soccer ball that’s worth every penny, then most definitely. You can purchase one for yourself here.Chaos Soccer Gear Aztec Soccer Ball Review

Categories: Soccer Balls

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