Category: Buyers Guide

How to Take Care of Goalkeeper Gloves

Have you ever wondered if it’s safe to throw your goalkeeper gloves in the washing machine and dryer? Or if it’s safe to clean them with dish soap? Or how you can make them last longer? We answered all of these questions and more in our latest episode of The Soccer Reviews podcast.

Why You Need to Wash Your Goalkeeper Gloves

To get the maximum grip and life out of your goalkeeper gloves, it’s important to take care of them by washing them after every match. Dirt, sand, and grime builds up on the soft, natural latex the more you wear the gloves, creating a layer between the ball and your latex palm which reduces grip and traction. This leads to quicker deterioration of the delicate latex palms, which are already subject to wear and abrasion just from a player’s technique, age, and playing surface. To lengthen the life of your goalkeeper gloves, you should use the following products to ensure a proper cleansing of the latex after each game.

How to Make Your Soccer Cleats Last Longer

Everyone wants their soccer cleats to last as long as possible, but many players do one thing that can seriously ruin them; wearing them on pavement. Walking from the soccer field to your car, it probably doesn’t cross your mind that you might be doing damage…but as you walk, the pavement is eating away at the plastic studs on the bottom of your cleats. This is how you can prevent it.

Which Soccer Shin Guards Should You Buy?

While shin guards may not be fun to wear, they’re just as necessary as soccer cleats or a jersey. After all, they do protect you from painful shin injuries and, depending on the type of shin guard, they may protect you from ankle injuries, too. Today we’re going to be discussing the two main types of shin guards and which model is the best in that category.